
About The Physical Death & Resurrection: A Surgeon's View

Media: What is your book is about?

Norberto: This book is about Jesus’ story analyzed from my perspective as a Christian physician/surgeon. Utilizing my clinical training, I created a pre-crucifixion profile of Jesus. I then explained the crucifixion proceedings in a simple manner so everyone could understand the implications of that type of execution on the human body. I truly believe that after reading this book, you will read the passion of the Christ very differently. You will understand why he was sweating blood at Gethsemane and why water and blood came out of his chest when the Roman soldiers pierced his side. I also addressed the Resurrection.

Religious or Scientific Inspiration

Media: Is your book centered on religious or scientific interpretation and who is it written for?Norberto: I truly believe that this book creates a bridge between the religious and scientific interpretation of Jesus’ crucifixion. It is suitable to all denominations because Jesus is the center of the book. I believe all denominations will be very comfortable with the content of the book. I also think that non-believers would enjoy reading about the most influential figure in human history. Some consider him the biggest revolutionary that ever existed. We must remember that he was killed because the establishment felt threatened by his teachings. His legacy is so extraordinary that in a few years after his death, the biggest empire at the time became Christian.