Sixteen Years In Practice & Still Learning

Sixteen Years In Practice & Still Learning

I am amazed how quickly time goes by. In the last few days, I have been thinking about everything I have learned since I came to the US for post-graduate training.  It is fascinating to realize that the more I know, the more I have to learn.

My career is very special to me because it is what I always wanted to be – a Doctor / Heart Surgeon. In the last few years, since I have opened my heart and mind to the Lord, I've also started enjoying my career in a different way. Nowadays, I pay more attention to important life lessons that I learn with interaction with my patients and their families. In other words, I pay more attention to how they react to the information and advice I give them, as well as their reactions to the outcomes.

The Divine Trinity

The Divine Trinity

In previous blogs I have mentioned that I have always believed in God. In fact I have never stopped believing in him. I grew up with that believe since very early in life. I just don’t know anything different.  But I should disclose that at some point in my life I was distant when it came to worshipping Him. I don’t have a good explanation as to why other than I felt it was not necessary and I also felt that we ‘humans’ had made it more complex than what it should be. In my mind, all of what we needed was to be good people.



In last blog, I tried to share with you some insights and information regarding medicine and post-graduate training. The objective was to help you understand how doctors are trained and dealing with the human body is very complex. Also, I wanted to clarify that a medical mistake doesn’t equal negligence. For instance if a doctor makes a mistake that doesn’t make him/her a bad doctor.

Mistakes In Medicine

Mistakes In Medicine

In today’s blog I would like to share some thoughts and insights that could help you understand your doctor a little bit better. I truly believe that by understanding how we get trained and what we face that you will be able to understand that mistakes do happens in medicine, but when they do, that doesn’t mean that your doctor isn't well prepared. There are few careers that require the amount of time in school and post-graduate training as medicine does. Depending on the specialty, there might be another 7 years of training after graduating from medical school. This lengthy academic commitment gives you an idea of the complexity of the human body. It takes a long time for us to settle down in our specialty.

Revisiting The Resurrection Of Jesus

Revisiting The Resurrection Of Jesus

Since we just recently celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus, I decided to meditate and analyze this event, which is a key component of our Christian faith. In fact, it is the resurrection of Christ that sets us apart from any other major religion in the history of mankind. As you all know, I was raised in a very religious Christian environment. For instance, the life, death and resurrection were embedded in me from early on in my life. It was so well set in my mind that I have never doubted any of it just based on faith. Obviously, as we grow up and go to college, we are exposed to multiple philosophies and strange ideas. I must say that I have witnessed very smart people with very good arguments about their beliefs that are far from mine. Actually, it is very impressive because some arguments sound very convincing. I have witnessed masterminds capable of defending positions that are obviously wrong, but they have a way of making it look good. I am sure you have seen those as well.

The Final Day

The Final Day

Today’s blog is very special because it is about reflecting deeply about our lives; are we doing what we are supposed to be doing? Are we doing what we would like to be doing? But these questions can be asked differently, in a very unique manner: How would you live your life if you knew exactly when you are going to die? In the last few days I have been reflecting about those questions. But let me tell you how I got interested in the topic; two Sundays ago, I went to church and the sermon ended with a very thought provoking question: How would you live your life if you knew that you were dying in a couple weeks? That particular day, the readings had to do with readiness so we are not surprised when the Master (God) unexpectedly visits us.



I am sure that each one of us has heard or said the following the expression, “I will forgive you but I can't forget what happened” or “I forgave you but hadn’t forgotten”. Now, I would like to ask a couple interesting questions: Can you forgive without forgetting? Is it necessary to forget when we forgive? Today’s blog is about healing and moving forward. Each one of us has felt overwhelmed with sadness especially when a good friend did something that hurts us deeply. Or if we have done something that hurts a beloved one.



One of my goals is to read the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelations. I must say that I have started this process several times and I have read a significant amount, but not from beginning to end. In fact, I have started  two times this past year and probably several other times in previous years. Since it is something that I truly want to do, every time I stop then I have to re-start again and obviously, I start from the “In the beginning” in Genesis.  I have read this particular book of the Bible multiple times.



During the last few days, I have been looking at my new adventure as an author and I must say that it has been extremely rewarding from both a personal as well as spiritual point of view. For the most part, it has been an enjoyable journey especially the weekly blogs. You might remember that writing didn't come naturally to me, in fact, I hated it. It was one of my weakest areas in academics. All of that changed once I decided to write about Jesus in my book “The Physical Death and Resurrection – a Surgeon’s view”.

My Christmas Message!

My Christmas Message!

Today, I would like to wish all of you, yes ALL of you — MERRY CHRISTMAS! Today, I won’t say – HAPPY HOLIDAYS! – Instead, I will say – MERRY CHRISTMAS! The reason that I wish MERRY CHRISTMAS to you is actually very simple: I am a Christian, and as a Christian, I've learned that during this season I should wish peace, love and happiness to all mankind regardless of religious creed, race, culture or political views. Instead of saying “Peace, Love and Happiness” to you and your family - we say “MERRY CHRISTMAS”.



Some expressions have become so popular they are accepted without fully understanding it. In fact, social media can make any expression go viral around the globe in a matter of minutes. One of those popular expressions is “I have no regrets in my life,” or “I live my life without regrets." I must say that my mind sometimes captures expressions and/or events for no particular reason. This time “I have no regrets in my life” caught my attention. I am almost positive that this particular expression came out incomplete from some personal coaching book or lecture.

A Modern Good Samaritan

A Modern Good Samaritan

This past weekend was the second anniversary of my father’s passing.

Even though, I think about him everyday, this past weekend was more profound. I have been at peace because I know that he is in heaven, I have no doubts about that. You might have read other blogs where I share an important experience or a lesson that I learned by his side. Today I would like to share a very good one because it shows how God’s love projects through His chosen ones.

Why Your Best Is The Best

Why Your Best Is The Best

I believe that it's important to try to achieve excellence not only in our career or profession but also as human beings. We should try to be the best parent, best brother and best friend. But the pursuit of excellence should be based on the comparison of being a better person than you were yesterday, not comparing yourself to other people. In my case, I also want to be a better surgeon than what I was yesterday.